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Graham & Vivien Stamford

Graham Stamford is the founder of Greatest Life Ministries and of SportReach. He is a field representative for Torchbearers Ministry, speaking worldwide on the indwelling life of Jesus Christ, playing soccer, and sharing the gospel. Here’s Graham’s testimony:

I was converted in June of 1958. I was typical teenager with a quest to find the greatest life. In our Sports Hall there was a large text board with John 10:10, “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.“ I wondered what this meant. On the day I became a Christian, the preacher mentioned this verse and said this life was found in Christ. I asked Christ to come into my life and give me this life. It was three years later when I attended Capernwray Bible School that I had the privilege of hearing Major Ian Thomas. He shared that in order to discover this life to the full I needed Christ to become my life, to live in me the life I could not live. I made a new motto for my life, “For me to live is Christ.” I began to discover that the reality of the Christian life was Christ Himself sharing His risen life daily with me. My life was transformed and now, over sixty years later, I have shared this life with many in my Bible teaching ministry, with students and churches, and in evangelism in sports ministry.

I have said to many sharing the life of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest life on the planet!


Derek & Julie Kitchen

My role has always been supporting Graham and driving him about to different places. I’m just a helper for my brother in the LORD. Iron sharpens iron is our new saying (Proverbs 27:17).


“For you have died, and your life is hidden in God with Christ.”

- Colossians 3:3

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Mike & Connie Wolfe

Mike and Connie live in Plattsmouth, NE where they planted Plattsmouth Bible Church in 1998 and Mike continues to serve as lead pastor. Mike heard Major Ian Thomas speak at a Bible conference in college where the message of the indwelling life of Christ was a pivotal turning point in his life. Since 1987, Mike has been in pastoral ministry, which is how he and Connie met Graham. On a sabbatical trip in 2018, Graham was at Capernwray Hall while Mike and Connie were there. Their friendship began and their devotion to the greatest life on the planet was cemented together.

Mike has written the book, A REAL Human Life: The Life of Jesus Christ IN You, which is available through the resource tab above.


Steve Donald

I was a student at Capernwray 1980-81 and then worked with Graham in developing a local schools work in Lancaster until I began training for Anglican Ministry in 1986. Christ living in us and through us by his Spirit is an important message that has helped shape my ministry. I well remember Major Ian Thomas preaching on Exodus 3 and saying, “Any bush will do!”

I retired from 34 years of Anglican parish ministry at Easter 2022, and I now focus on writing and preaching around the UK. Publications include, 'Heaven in your eye, earth on your Heart-a taste of Boston, Baxter and Bunyan for the journey' (2014) and 'Marriages are Made in Heaven' (2021) both by Evangelical Press and available on Amazon. I am a regular contributor to “Evangelicals Now” a monthly newspaper which has a developing online ministry.

A new book, “How the Inconceivable was Conceived. The Evolution of a New Sexual Morality”, is due to be published by Day One in Autumn 2024. I am currently working on a book about suffering well as a Christian, entitled, '18 Weeks a Fight for Life', detailing my wife Gloria’s battle with cancer in Basingstoke Hospital which led to her death in October 2023. I live on Sandylands Promenade Morecambe Lancashire and have two married daughters and three grandsons.

In the UK: Invite Steve to speak at your event